Dr. Dominic Curry
Dr. Dominic Curry was born and raised in our nation’s capital, Washington, DC. It was there in the District where Curry and his family attended their neighborhood church where he was introduced to Jesus Christ at an early age. Dr. Curry was baptized in the name of our Lord in 1984 at Gospel Ark Temple Bible Way Church under the leadership of the late Dr. John Lamb. It was under the tutelage of this foundational leadership that he then later in 1987 received the precious gift of the Holy Spirit. Like many children who were raised in the church, he strayed and went his way, as opposed to God’s way. Dominic, later rededicated his life to the Lord and has been on fire for God every since. He has always been a student of the Word, growing up in a Christian school, bible study and scripture memorization has been apart of his pedigree since he was in grade school.
Dr. Curry served as a church musician for the majority of his life. Growing up, his family was known in and throughout many organizations as “The Family of Preachers”. Dr. Curry was inevitably called to the ministry in 1998 and was officially recognized as an ordained minister in 1999 under the leadership of his uncle, Bishop Gary Frazier at the Greater International Church of Praise and Deliverance. Dr. Curry has served as a minister for the up building of God's Kingdom since the late 90’s. He started his mission preaching the Gospel at various churches around the city and in a short time in ministry, God opened many ministry doors, granting opportunities to travel the country to speak at several conferences on the East and West Coast. Down through the years, Curry has had the privilege to serve as Youth and Young Adult President, Lead Mentor, Youth Pastor, Men’s Ministry Director, Sunday School Superintendent and Music Director.
God instructed the late Bishop Restine T. Jackson III to elevate Dominic Curry to the office of Pastor. On March 1st, 2009, God fulfilled his spoken promise by the laying on of hands and God’s anointing outpoured. Thus began his pastoral internship. Later in 2014, Pastor Dominic Curry was named Senior Pastor of Word of Grace Worship Center of Waldorf, MD. Pastor Curry currently serves as the Senior Pastor of Word of Grace and the International Men’s President of the New Destiny Fellowship International Organization.
Pastor Curry began his undergrad studies at the Apostolic Christian College, ICPD Bible Institute, Word Of Faith Bible College and Curry completed his undergrad studies at Logos University in Jacksonville,FL where he received his Associates in Biblical Studies as well as his Bachelors in Christian Counseling. A few of Curry’s more recent accomplishments includes the release of his freshman philosophical book entitled “Ignoring The Noise” which is currently available on Amazon and other media outlets, as well as attaining a Doctorate of Divinity from the St. Thomas Christian University in Florida in 2018 . He has also been privileged to travel abroad to several distant countries to minister the gospel. He has recently traveled to Bolivia as well as several South African countries to serve in the Evangelistic mission field. Curry gives all glory to God. He thanks his parents, Jean Frazier Johnson, the late Rodney T. Johnson, the late Gregory Curry and countless family members for raising him to believe Jesus saves. His primary goal is to win souls for the kingdom by any means necessary.
Pastor Curry also added some special additions to his life and ministry; On October 1, 2005 Pastor Curry and Elder Whitney Jackson shared their vows and now they have two handsome sons, Christian Deon and Joshua. Ryan Curry. Pastor Curry wants every one who knows the words of prayer to pray that he may grow to be EVERYTHING God has called him to be.

Dr. Whitney Curry
Dr. Whitney Curry was born August 15, 1983 in Detroit, Michigan. Dr. Curry is a graduate of Bowie State University where she received a Bachelor of Arts in Music Education with a minor in Business Administration. Dr. Curry was blessed to receive a Master of Theology from Grand Canyon University in the spring of 2016. In April of 2018 she alongside her husband received their Doctor of Divinity from the Saint Thomas Christian University and has now set out on the journey to receive her second doctorate in Education.
Dr. Curry joined her husband, Pastor Dominic Curry, in Holy Matrimony on October 1, 2005. They have two sons, Christian, and Joshua and are the joy of their lives. Dr. Curry was called to ministry in 2001 and has faithfully prepared herself to be used by God. In 2011, Whitney launched her own music ministry, Whitney Curry and Anointed. Her background as a budget analyst for the federal government along with her life experiences as a pastor have afforded her the opportunity to mentor and create lifelong relationships which have propelled her to create her own brand. Dr. Curry has had the pleasure of speaking as well as coaching diverse groups of people all over the world. In 2019, Dr. Curry was able to start her own podcast entitled Ladies Take Over Empowerment Series. This is a platform where Dr. Curry uses her voice as well as other influential women to invoke inspiration to other women worldwide.
Dr. Curry uses her life’s experiences and education to teach, influence, inspire and empower people in all stages of life. Whether in small settings or on big stages, Dr. Curry ignites and helps to unlock the potential that lies within the lives of the audience she is speaking to.

Ida Jackson
Ida Jackson was born in Detroit, Michigan to Deacon and Mrs. Leovey Kaufman. Ida is a graduate of Wayne State University receiving a Bachelor of Science and Master of Arts in Education. Lady Jackson was blessed to receive an Educator Advanced Professional Certificate from the State of Maryland Department of Education in the following areas: Special Education K-12, Elementary Education 1-6 & Middle School, Reading Specialist. She has also received the following certificates: The Key to Effective Inclusive Education, Succeeding with Difficult Students, Extended Learning Opportunity Program and Integrating Technology into Instruction. From 1981 to 1983 Ida served on the Board of Directors for the Greater Grace Temple Christian Academy in Detroit, MI. After teaching in Detroit for over 12 years, Ida moved to Maryland with her husband, the late Bishop Restine T. Jackson III. While residing in Olney, MD Ida was a Testing Coordinator and Reading Specialist for Prince Georges County Public Schools for over 10 years. In addition, Ms. Jackson recently received the Board of Education of Prince Georges County Public Schools Certificate of Recognition for 35 years of service.
Ms. Jackson is blessed to have two children, Restine Jackson IV, who is a renown gospel artists and Whitney Curry, who serves in ministry and is successful in many entrepreneurial endeavors. Lady Ida Jackson founded and served in ministry with her husband for over 25 years at Word of Grace Worship Center. In addition, Lady Jackson served as the Women’s Ministry president for over 20 years and the secretary for the District of Columbia, Delaware and Maryland Missionaries and Minister’s Wives auxiliary. Currently, Ida serves on the Board of Directors at her local assembly, the president of the Lifeline Marriage Ministry and the head of the Mother’s Board of New Destiny Fellowship which is led by Apostle Thomas W. Weeks, Sr.
Ms. Jackson was privileged to start her own mentoring and reading program called “Reading Made Easy.” Although she has retired from teaching in the public schools’ systems she has dedicated her life to ensuring the youth of today are equipped with the foundational skills to help them succeed in life. Lady Ida Jackson is very busy but still finds time to enjoy her grandchildren and extracurricular activities such as reading a good novel. Lady Jackson encourages everyone to value life and gives all glory to God.